I smoked cigars for almost 11 years, on thanksgiving of 2012, a friend gave me a cheep disposable e-cig. that is what sparked my intrest, the brand that he gave me was from Swister Sweets. They were getting into the e-cig market. It was a bit frustrating, because I could not find any of the refill cartridges for them. The only thing I could find, was new starter kits, of a differant brand, but they didn’t have any of the cartridges for those either. Finally in march of 2013 I started to look online for what I could find out about them, and read about the ego starter kits that you could refill the cartridges your self. I liked the idea of that, and then I searched for a local store, I could get these at, and that is when I found Indy vaper shop, and that is where my journey really started. So I bought my first kit on april 6th 2013, just originaly to just cut down on my cigar smoking, I was smoking a lot of cigars, I was spending about $200.00 a month on them. After I had the kit for 2 weeks I realized that I liked the flavors more then I liked the cigars, I had my last cigar on April 19 2013, today is July 30th of 2013, and I really don’t think I will smoke cagars again. I think the only thing, that would make me go back to them, would be if they banned the e-cigs in my area, I hope they don’t because, I feel a lot better than I used to feel.