About RightToVape.org
Right To Vape is an international database and repository. It contains testimonials of adults who have switched from combustible and unsafe oral tobacco products to safer nicotine alternatives.

Vaping is the only thing, in over 40 years that has kept me from going back to cigarettes. I tried just about every method to quit multiple times over those 40 years only to go back to cigarettes after a short time. I have now been smoke free for over two years and am so glad I tried vaping. I still have easy access to cigarettes if I want. I even have a pack in plain sight in my truck but have never been tempted since I started vaping. I could never have gone for over two years with other methods of quiting even if it meant running out to the store late at night. I know the anti-vapers will start pointing out instances where someone has gotten burned or injured by an e-cigarette, and will also point out instances where young children have invested e-juice. To them I say hogwash ! How many people die each year from smoking in bed, starting their house on fire, cancer, heart disease, COPD, and how many children have had to inhale second hand smoke for years. As far as injuries how many children have been shot by the guns mom or dad leave lying around loaded, and yet no more sensible gun laws are enacted ! The same people who would leave a gun accessible to children are the same ones who would leave e-juice accessible. You can’t cure stupid, but why should the people like me and the many small businesses that have sprung up to provide vaping products be punished because some people are stupid ? I also find it interesting that the FDA came out with these regulations that would greatly restrict my access to vaping products the same week the same week the British Medical Society has endorsed vaping as a good alternative to using tobacco, especially smoking!